Power through Quarantine with these Resources and Tips

The last few weeks have been interesting, to say the least. Three weeks ago I recall reading the news about China and this virus oddly named after a beer, or so I thought. Two weeks ago we were advised to begin working remote until further notice, and this week we have an executive order in the state of Michigan to … Read More

Results-driven Leaders are Always Learning

If you were to walk into my office, or catch me in the hallway and ask, “Josh, what is the #1 thing I should start doing in order to become a more effective leader?”, this is what I would tell you. “Start reading about leadership.” To get better at anything you have to find productive ways to learn about it, … Read More

Dealing with Difficult People

My kids are pretty good kids. I didn’t say perfect, but they at least want to do right more than half of the time. That said, multiple times a day there are arguments, frustrations, power-moves, and sometimes a show of small forces between them. It’s called, “contention”. If you’ve been in the workforce for any length of time… Okay, if … Read More

How to be a Fearless Leader

The thing that terrified me the most as a child was thunderstorms and tornadoes. I don’t know what it was about them, but when it would start to thunderstorm, this incredible fear swept over me. I remember running to my parents room terrified, hoping they would let me sleep on the floor. I’ll never forget what my dad would say. … Read More

Spoiler Alert: Leadership is a Trait, not a Trade

Over the last two decades I have known several people who were promoted into a management position and then decided to step down.  I want to describe some of the reasons people leave management positions, and then share some ideas if you find yourself in a similar situation. Leadership is not a Trade I described the difference between management and … Read More