Oops! I Did it Again, How to Avoid Bad Counsel

In my recent post, You Aren’t Smart Enough, I shared a list of counselor types a leader should surround themselves with in order to make great decisions. As important as good counsel is, it is just as important, perhaps more-so, to know how to avoid bad counsel.  Below are a list of bad counselor types that I tend to be … Read More

You Aren’t Smart Enough

Jim Rohn said, “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”  That is a little more in-your-face than the “birds of a feather flock together” mantra, but there is definitely some truth to it.  So take a moment and think about who you spend time with at work, because it matters.  You aren’t smart … Read More

Make a Decision

There were 30-ish doctoral candidates standing on a street corner just outside of Washington DC.  For all of us, except one, this was the first time in our lives that we’ve been at this location.  I’m being generous with the “one”, as you’ll see in a minute.  We were there for a weekend seminar and one of the activities was … Read More

How to Move Up

When was the last time you thought about, or had a discussion with a spouse, co-worker, or friend about how to move up.  Sometimes the conversation is about someone who moved up too quickly, or someone who didn’t move up fast enough.  Sometimes it’s just a colleague or friend wanting to vent about why they haven’t been promoted.  My hunch … Read More

Leadership is Not Management

Hastings Small Business Web Design

Leadership Truth Being in management, does not make you a leader. Being a leader does not require a formal title. Being in management does not make you a leader My team and I were all in data engineering-type roles, and had been for quite some time.  All of the development teams, including ours were transitioning from a waterfall to an … Read More